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50 Hrs Yin Teacher Training

with Laura

Laura is a senior Yoga Teacher with more than 30 years of teaching experience
behind her, including running her own successful studio for over 10 years. Her 50 hour Yin Teacher Training Course is for teachers who have done a 200 hour training course, who love Yin and want to learn more about it for themselves or to be able to deliver this great practice to others. It will give qualified yoga teachers a deeper understanding of the practice and the confidence to teach this great discipline.

With Laura’s Yin training you will be able to understand and deepen your own practice so that you can expand your students understanding of their Yin side, through your teachings.


Her classes are functional, creative and informative. You can tell she is passionate about her job and how much she loves what she does. She creates a teacher training atmosphere that is fun, supportive and friendly. It may challenge you, it may change how you teach at the moment, and it will certainly be a great addition to your self-development and teaching skill set.

“We don’t use the body to get into a pose - we use the pose to get into the
body.” – Bernie Clark

Maybe it’s time to take your yoga journey in a different direction and embrace and understand more about the Yin-side of you. Creating a healthier balance in your own life will give you a greater understanding, knowledge, and confidence to share what you learn with your students.

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About Laura

I have always been a gym bunny and you would always find me teaching high energy classes within the studios of York, it didn’t take me long to realise that my body and health couldn’t sustain this and I started to look for alternative ways to maintain my health and fitness but still keep doing the job that I loved. It was here, as I looked at my alternatives, that my journey and love of yoga began.

In 2013 I completed my Ashtanga yoga training with the renowned Brian Cooper of Yoga Alliance, and have since furthered my training with David Swenson, David Garrigus and Kino Macgregor. Ashtanga was definitely my first love, but every Yang needs some Yin to maintain balance and to maintain health in life.

In 2018 I completed my first 50 hour basic training in Yin, and that’s when my love of all things Yin was born. I completed 2 different Yin teacher trainings with Norman Blair which lead to me completing my 300 hour advanced teacher training in 2021.

This particular training blew my mind, it’s when I realised that not adhering to the aesthetic rules of yoga is okay. Function over aesthetics became my passion. Since everyone is unique, how can one set of aesthetic cues work for everybody? My teacher trainings will give you the knowledge to challenge what you already know, to find the alignment cues that work for you to maintain your health and to maintain balance in your life, they will also give you the ability and experience to be confident to pass this ground-breaking information onto your students.

“Functional teaching is about having an intention and then to teach with
attention to the body, so that when you know something isn’t working you can find another approach.” – Author unknown

About Yin Yoga

Yin yoga is a slow paced contemplative practice that consists of long-held, passive floor based postures that are held from 3 to 10 minutes using props.
Physically - Yin yoga helps increase mobility and helps mobilise and hydrate the extensive deepest tissues of the body, our fascial network. It improves circulation and flexibility of our connective tissues, ligaments, joints and bones.

Energetically - Yin yoga improves the body’s flow of energy, it enhances the flow of chi to and within the muscles and brings balance to the organs through the stimulation of the meridians. Through these long held poses Yin helps to calm the mind through deep relaxation and in doing so can help reduce stress and anxiety.


The Origin of Yin Yoga
The true origins of Yin yoga are actually from martial arts. We often associate yoga and its origins as coming from India but unlike other types of yoga, Yin actually originated in China.

It was founded in the late 1970s by the late martial arts expert and Taoist yoga teacher Paulie Zink who created a series of postures to stretch his body more deeply. It wasn’t though until the late 1980’s, that Yin became what it is today through the teachings of Paul Grilley and Sarah Powers.
The philosophy of Yin yoga stems from the Taoist beliefs of Yin and Yang that says, there are two main principles in nature. Yin (the cooling, dark, mysterious, feminine principle) and Yang (the heating, light, obvious, masculine principle).

About The Course

By the end of the course, participants will have a deeper understanding of the
practice of Yin. Each participant will receive a course manual and other handouts. Numbers will be limited to support your learning and to allow for interaction and time with Laura.


Throughout this 50 hour training course you will be continually evaluated to assess your progress and on completion of the course you will receive a Certificate of Attendance. On completion you will be able to add this to your CPD training hours, continuous professional development.

Laura will deliver 40 of the hours, over 2 weekends in person at Harewood Holistics Studio. The other 10 hours will be via zoom, through led classes and group discussion. As part of these hours students will need to complete some homework assignments and to produce some class plans. Both weekends and all homework needs to be completed for students to receive their Certification.


Dates and Times
1) October 2024 - 26th / 27th - 8am – 6pm
2) November 2024 – 23rd / 24th - 8am – 6pm

What to Expect and Course Content

• The principles of Yin Yoga, it’s history and how to teach it.
• The theory of Yin and Yang, based on Traditional Chinese Medicine        Theories (TCM) and the difference between the Yin and Yang tissues of the body.
• An appreciation of the difference between Vinyasa, restorative and Yin type classes.
• Study the importance and function of fascia and how to keep it healthy
through a regular Yin yoga practice.
• Understanding tension and compression and why this affects you.
• Learn the 12 Myofascial lines of the body, how they support us and how these continuous lines transmit information throughout the whole body. Everything in the body is connected.
• Body mapping ourselves and others and how this could affect how we teach our sequences.
• Teaching aesthetically over teaching functionally. Using the method taught by Paul Grilley.
“When you see the body as 14 skeletal segments being moved by 10
muscle groups, you will be able effectively adapt the 7 Archetypal yoga
poses to suit each and every student”. – Paul Grilley

• Understanding of basic bone differentiations in the pelvis, spine and shoulders and how this affects the functional alignment of the Yin postures.
• Learn and practice all of the Yin postures and their modifications, in lectures and in group discussions. Including discussions on how we can adapt and welcome different body types and personalities into our classes.
• Understand the use of props, and how to use them effectively and also how to teach without props.
• How to practice and teach Yin using the 80% rule.
• A wealth of knowledge and ideas on how to sequence your own Yin classes.
• The good teacher speech.​​​
•A module on how to prevent yoga teacher burnout and gain a better work life balance.

• Four 90 minute Yin classes led by Laura.

T's & C's Practice Experience – Students will have previously done a 200 hour teacher training course before being permitted to enrol on this 50 hour Yin teacher training course. A basic knowledge of the practice of Yin is beneficial but not necessary. Booking – The full fee should be paid 35 days before the beginning of the course. – Applications will be taken on a ‘first come first served’ basis and students who have paid their deposit will have priority over those who haven’t. – We reserving the right to refuse a place to students who have not paid their deposit or full fees by the required date. – The fees must be paid in full and any private sessions paid for before a graduation certificate will be issued. What fees include & what is not included: Included: – Training and assessment by a qualified Yoga Alliance Professionals SYT – A course manual and other handouts – A full 90 minute Yin practice on each of the in person training days – Practical teaching opportunities per day of training. – All equipment is supplied by Harewood Holistics (mats, bolster, blocks and straps, although you are welcome to bring your own) Not included: – Flights, accommodation and food for yourself – Insurance. As a qualified yoga teacher, you should already have your insurance in place. A copy of this will be needed before the course starts. – A certificate (paying the fees do not guarantee you a certificate as you will need to successfully pass all assignments and attend a minimum of 80% the course. – Yoga mats. During the Course: Student’s conduct during the course: 1. Students will be respectful of the studio space and the employees of the studio. 2. Students will be on time for all sessions. 3. Students will trust the Course facilitator’s expertise. 4. Students will deposit all rubbish in the bins provided and be responsible for looking after the communal space. Including the return of all equipment and materials. 5. Students will turn Mobile phones off during training. 6. Students will bring all required materials that have been given or requested to each training day. 7. Students understand it is their responsibility to replace their lost course materials. 8. Students will take their personal belongings home with them on each day of training. If there is a designated space for students belongings including yoga mats students understand they remain responsible for any lost or stolen items. 9. Students understand they are expected to properly nourish, hydrate and rest (adequate sleep) themselves as appropriate for an intensive physical training. 10. Students will practice asana in the studio in silence and refrain from asking questions until the end of asana Practice. 11. Students understand that one person will talk at any time during discussions and refrain from interrupting. 12. Students will use ‘I’ statements during discussions. 13. Students will endeavour to refrain from comparing themselves to others. 14. Students will speak only positively of themselves and other. 15. Students will endeavour to be fully present in mind body and attitude during the training days. 16. Students will listen to other students and respect the learning process and learning opportunities of others. 17. Students will honour the confidentiality of the group discussions. 18. Students will focus their full attention during the training process. 19. The Minimum attendance rate is decided by the discretion of The Senior Teacher Trainer. 20. Re-sitting the Practical assignment will be charged at £50 per resit, plus any extra studio hire charges. 22. Discretionary extensions may be granted if students are unable to complete the course requirements due to unforeseen circumstances. 23.5 observed classes and 5 assisted classes will be reflected upon and recorded and signed by a qualified yoga teacher as evidence of the student continuing their training after the course ends is required within 1 year before being enrolled on further professional development course with Jamie Yoga Teacher training. ​ Cancellation of Course: – Course leaders reserve the right to cancel the course at any point due to unforeseen circumstances and will be reimbursed the tuition fee in full or offered a transfer to another equivalent training.


Total Cost per student £675

Student Deposit of £200. To be paid on booking to Harewood Holistics online via invoice.

The remaining £475 is to be paid in full to Laura Bough via bank transfer, before 26th September or it can be paid in 2 separate instalments of £237.50, the first instalment by the 26th July and the second instalment before 26th September 2024.

Certificates will not be issued and signed until the last payment is received.

Please get in touch to find out more about the TTC and we can put you in touch with Laura to discuss the course further.

Please get in touch to find out more about the TTC and we can put you in touch with Laura to discuss the course further. 


Thanks for submitting!

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